Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Chapter 6--Just a Kansas girl

Okay...So I'm a Geek AND a Kansas girl.

A few weeks ago, I took a trip to the big city of Chicago with my best friend. Now, as a small town Kansas girl, skyscrapers, taxi cabs, and all unfamiliar territory.

Now this was NOT my first trip to the city. I have braved the streets of Chicago three times before. Mostly standing in line at tourist attractions. This trip, however, was very enlightening. The NATO summit happened to coincide with our mini-vacation. Due to high security, some major tourist attractions were closed as were various streets.

I must say, watching motorcade after motorcade passing by filled with the who's who, was quite a sight. The few brushes with greatness I have had in my life generally involve standing in line at a Library conference waiting to meet an author.

While in the big city we walked out to the lake. Some people have a real connection with water, sadly I am NOT one of those people. It's not to say that I don't appreciate the lake or that I wouldn't like to see the ocean again, it is just not in my blood. This trip, however, was different. I didn't realize until we were home, that our trip to the lake (and maybe the city) was just what the doctor ordered. Suffice it to say...it's all good!

On a side note, we came home to find that the wheat had turned while we were gone. Way too early, I might add. I guess it's true what they say..."there's no place like Kansas!"