Monday, July 2, 2012 I'm a geek....AND a homeowner

Things are moving very fast. I applied for a job, got an interview, got and offer, found a house, bought a house, all since I last posted!

Not sure what I have gotten myself in to, will be an adventure!

I am not going to post pictures of my new house as I don't want to jinx it, so for now...I'm a geek and I'm in over my head!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Chapter 6--Just a Kansas girl

Okay...So I'm a Geek AND a Kansas girl.

A few weeks ago, I took a trip to the big city of Chicago with my best friend. Now, as a small town Kansas girl, skyscrapers, taxi cabs, and all unfamiliar territory.

Now this was NOT my first trip to the city. I have braved the streets of Chicago three times before. Mostly standing in line at tourist attractions. This trip, however, was very enlightening. The NATO summit happened to coincide with our mini-vacation. Due to high security, some major tourist attractions were closed as were various streets.

I must say, watching motorcade after motorcade passing by filled with the who's who, was quite a sight. The few brushes with greatness I have had in my life generally involve standing in line at a Library conference waiting to meet an author.

While in the big city we walked out to the lake. Some people have a real connection with water, sadly I am NOT one of those people. It's not to say that I don't appreciate the lake or that I wouldn't like to see the ocean again, it is just not in my blood. This trip, however, was different. I didn't realize until we were home, that our trip to the lake (and maybe the city) was just what the doctor ordered. Suffice it to's all good!

On a side note, we came home to find that the wheat had turned while we were gone. Way too early, I might add. I guess it's true what they say..."there's no place like Kansas!"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chapter 5--Dumb stuff on my Head and other things... I'm a geek!

Yesterday was May day and yet another good reason to wear dumb stuff on my head. This time it was a lovely flower head band. Now, for sometime, I have been known as the girl who wears dumb stuff on her head. I am not sure how this happened, but I know I like it! I used to say it was because I work with kids, but let's face it, that may be how it started, but it has taken on a life of its own.

I have hats, head bands, or bonkers for every holiday, special occasion, and Library event. Yes, kids do approach someone that is willing to take a risk and wear lobster claws on their head, but adults are the people who need someone like me in their life. I make them realize that life does NOT have to be serious every single minute. Laughing at someone else, or better yet, laughing at yourself is good for the soul. Try it!

There is a community of people that have found one another through the internet. The Nerdfighter community is a group of people of any age, race, gender, social status, etc. The Nerdfighter mission is to decrease world suck and increase world awesome. Nerdfighters are people who are not ashamed or embarrassed to be themselves OR wear dumb stuff on their heads. I am proud to be associated with this community.

BTW--when you wear dumb stuff on your head on a regular basis, you sometimes forget that its there. Keep this in mind when entering or exiting a car or an elevator, meeting the Queen, or boarding an airplane. You might injure yourself, embarrass your friends, or get a do not pass go trip to a padded cell.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chapter 4--Laurapalooza

Okay...So I'm a geek! This is likely to be the first of many posts about Laura Ingalls Wilder, the Little House books, and all things Little House..

Yes, there is such thing as Laurapalooza. What is it? Basically, it is a conference about about Laura, her works, and her fans. Now, I don't care much for the name, but the conference itself is cool. Three days of talks and presentations by LIW scholars. It was sponsored by the Laura Ingalls Wilder Literary and Research Society. A few years ago, I was invited to join the society based on my comments, blog posts and other writing in the world of the Little House.

Anyway, when the 2010 event rolled around things were really difficult at work and I knew there would be no opportunity to go. But, here we are, the 2012 conference is just three months away...the boss has approved my time off, I have paid my registration, and looking for a flight. So, for four days in July, I will be living in a dorm, spending all day with other Laurafiles and attending events called sociables and spelling bees. The thought of these cheesy events with people in period clothing is almost too much for my best friend to bear. She laughs at me every time I talk about it.

Now, I read and know a bunch of stuff, but I don't know what some of these "laurapeople" know. I think I might be a bit out of my league. I do wonder, do I belong with these "superfans"? But that is me--if I don't have something to worry about, I will make something up. So today, I'm worried that I don't belong with the "bonnet heads". Yesterday, I was worried about the prospect of living in a dorm again for a week, but today not so much. Tomorrow I will make up something new to worry about...and so on. That's me...I'm a geek and a worrier!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chapter 3--My TV Boyfriends I'm a geek! Today's topic-my TV boyfriends. First off, I am not married, don't have any kids, BUT I do have a cat. Have I mentioned that I am a Librarian? Can you say stereotype?

Anyway, since I was a kid, I have loved TV. I mean LOVED TV. I can multitask--I can do homework, write blog posts or Library newspaper columns, crochet, read, do crossword puzzles, surf the net, fold laundry, eat and

not miss a second of my favorite show(s).

When I discovered Pinterest, I thought this awesome online scrapbook was a great place to post pictures of all of the TV boyfriends I have had since I was little. As a matter of fact, my board has many multiple pins. From Johnny Gage in Emergency! to The West Wing's Josh Lyman and Sports Night's Dan Rydell I have always had real 2-D boyfriends. I am sure if they ever met me, they would like me too...'cause I'm awesome! I have had a few actual guys in my life, but they seem to come and go. Unlike them, they guys on TV might be canceled, but through reruns and Netflix they keep showing up week after week.

Gonna grab a snack and open up a soda because somewhere in these 65 channels, one of my guys is waiting for me. Gotta go...I've got a date!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Chapter 2--Mystery Author Bus Tour

Okay, so I'm a geek! Authors are rockstars!!
This past week, we trekked to Kansas City to hear a panel of mystery authors talk about their work. First off, I openly admit that I don't read near as many books written for adults as I should. (I generally choose to read books for kids and teens.) However, I have been to enough author presentations that I can enjoy hearing authors talk about their writing without having read their work.

Before we hit the program, we checked out the swanky shops at Legends and on the Plaza. Our purchases included bras and a birthday card! Hence, my profile picture. Find a bookstore and we are good. We might get crazy and get a slushie or a pretzel once in a while (These are the same girls who have walked up and down Chicgo's Michigan avenue and the only stores the visited were the Lego store and Walgreeen's.)

The panel of authors included John Connolly, William Kent Krueger, MJ Rose, and Liza Marklund. Again, I hadn't read their work, but knew of Connolly and Krueger's work and popularity at the Library. Wow, what an evening. It is as cool to hear authors excited about their writing as it is to hear people excited about their reading.
Krueger was talking about the future of the tradtional book in an e-book world. I wish I could remember his quote, which went something like..."this [referring to a hardcover book], you can touch it, you can smell it, you can hear it whisper to you when you turn the pages." And, to a Kansas girl, any man with an accent is attractive. Connolly, with his Irish brogue had the audience (and me) memerized with every word.
The bus tour was created to give support to independent bookstores. The Kansas City stop was the second to last stop on the 12 city tour. The the foursome had been traveling together for eight days and were a bit punchy be the time they made their KC stop.
I don't expect I will forget this night of author greatness any time soon.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chapter 1

Okay, so I'm a geek! There, now I said it! It's true.
I am not a nerd---I don't know a bunch of stuff no one else knows. And, although I can act like a dork at times, I wouldn't consider myself a dork either. I am, however, a geek!
I am a book geek. I love kids books and anything by or about Laura Ingalls Wilder. Authors are rockstars! I have a nice collection of signed books from authors I have met over my 18 year career as a Librarian.
I am a TV junkie. I love cheesy TV shows and feel the need to own many of them. My favorites change often, these days, I am watching Sports Night for the first time and have watched all of season one within my 30 day Netflix free trial. My roommate introduced me to this quirky British show called the IT Crowd....a must watch (for geeks, nerds, AND dorks!)
I love my 80's music! Still smile when Survivor's "High on You" plays on the radio and can be founded rockin' it out at a stop light to some Def Leppard. Never mind the girl in the red car...she is special :)
So, there you go...I'm a geek!